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  • Interested in having us at your Event?

    The New England Garrison is part of the 501st Legion, which is a Star Wars costuming fan club of volunteers who donate their time to community and charity-oriented events.  We do not charge a fee for appearances but we do encourage a donation to be made in our name to a local charity. Please ask us for more information once we have responded to your event request.  Our ability to satisfy an event request depends on several factors including availability of members, location and time of the event. Events which benefit the community and/or charity organizations generally receive a better chance of 501st attendance.

    Important Event notes:

    • We do not attend private functions like birthday parties or weddings! 
    • Please submit your event with plenty of lead time so details can be discussed and our members have time to be notified.
    • If your event is accepted, please understand:
      • Events are dependent on the availability of volunteers so attendance can never be promised.
      • Outdoor events can have Weather restrictions or last minute cancellations.
      • Most events will have a 2 hour troop duration
      • Our members will need a safe/secure place to change into their costumes (Bathrooms are not acceptable).


    Anyone submitting a request should be someone who has authority of the event and should be over 18 years of age. Be sure to complete all the fields.


    Click here to request an appearance!



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